Wooden panels, wooden flooring

Solid wood paneling and flooring - natural, rugged and durable, made from high quality Scandinavian wood. Our panels are used for indoor ceiling and wall cladding. Our product range consists of flooring, mouldings, inside – outside panels and also other interior / exterior wood products. We mostly work with pine and spruce, but we also use larch, oak, ash, black alder, linden and aspen.

Thermal wood products

Thermal wood is stable and durable. In addition to external appearance, bio-persistence is an essential feature of the end-use products of this product. Thermal wood products are resistant to fungi and rot.

Sauna wood

Natural wood has always been and is one of the most popular building materials, because wood is ecological, wooden structures are very strong, easy to install, durable and long-lasting.

If you have any questions about wood products

You can contact us Mon-Fri 8:00-17:00

+370 448 52002